I’m a man.
I could say that I’d love to be manly strong.
But really, at times I can’t.
Truth be said.
For too long, my fragile ego has depended on affirmation.
I have tried in vain to please (both real and imagined).
This has plagued me.
So I’m giving up.
I’m falling greatly in love with my angel.
I mean an actual angel.
I’m kicking my addiction to crazy stuff.
And learning to love for me again,
Clean and purest from the heart.
This step has been both therapeutic and challenging,
But it’s worth it.
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And in this walk,
Am finding that I am not alone,
God is with me.
I am slowly rediscovering my first love.
Not the worldly definition of love,
But God’s definition of love.
The rules aren’t fancy,
They are just right.
This is an outstretched hand to you, angel. I know there’s a great tension between the hearts decisions and what people say about life.
If this resonates with you,
read on.
Real men recognize that there is a hidden force to love.
Acting upon their hearts and lives.
Guiding them.
And leading them.
The wisest men call upon this force,
taking the time to learn how to wield it well.
They do this every day.
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But this is not an excuse for anything.
It is a call to begin again.
To honour the gift of love.
To show up.
Even without applause.
Please note,
The best gift I can give is LOVE,
Not special accolades or celebration,
But the most important gift handed down to me by God.
So here,
Take it.
Yours truly,
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